
Lukosi Primary School is a Regular Public Education Institution in Saboti Constituency, Trans-Nzoia County of Kenya. It is a Christian Faith-Based school that until 2023, provided Kenya Certificate of Primary Education under the 8:4:4 Education System. Upon the change to a Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC), the School provides Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) for Grade VI and it hosts the Junior Secondary School (Grade VII, VIII, and IX). All the National Examinations are regulated by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).



The official inauguration of the project took place on November 27, 2023, with the presence of Mr. Kwata, an executive member, alongside technicians. Notably absent was representation from the school administration, a detail noted for its significance.

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Imagine a school in a rural area that lacks toilet facilities for both teachers and learners. This exposes children to the risk of getting diarrhoea and other diseases, which can limit their opportunities in life.

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CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STOREY TUITION BLOCK AT LUKOSI PRIMARY SCHOOL, MACHEWA WARD, SABOTI SUBCOUNTY, TRANS-NZOIA COUNTY, KENYA IntroductionThe future of Kenya is intrinsically tied to the education and development of its young pupils, particularly those in primary schools. These children, aged under 12, represent the nation’s future leaders, innovators, and contributors to society. Their growth …

Lukosi Primary Alumni